how do you make your friends list private on facebook

How to Hide Friends List on Facebook From Certain People

Your Facebook profile information, posts, and friends are all publicly accessible by default. It is often convenient to have a public friends list, as it facilitates people finding and connecting with you.

Using Facebook’s privacy settings, you can restrict who can view your full friends list. You may not want everyone to see it, especially if you wish to conceal the identities of some pals. Or perhaps you cherish your privacy and do not want everyone to know your web connections.

Here’s how to conceal your Facebook friends list.

How to hide your friends on Facebook via web browser

To hide your friends on Facebook via web browser, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the “Friends” button under your cover photo
  3. Click on the “Edit Privacy” button on the top right corner of the Friends box
  4. Select “Custom” from the dropdown menu
  5. In the “Who can see your friends list?” section, select “Only Me”
  6. Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes

Note that this will only hide your friends list from appearing on your profile, and will not prevent other people from seeing mutual friends they share with you.

How to hide your friends on Facebook via a mobile device

To hide your friends list on Facebook via a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (usually three horizontal lines) in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy.”
  4. Tap on “Settings.”
  5. Scroll down and tap on “Privacy.”
  6. Under the “Who can see my stuff?” section, tap on “Who can see your friends list?”
  7. Select “Only Me” to hide your friends list from everyone.

Note that this will only hide your friends list from other people, and not from apps or pages that you have used Facebook to log in. Also, if you’re trying to hide your friends list from certain people, you can customize your privacy settings by selecting “Custom” from the drop-down menu and choosing specific people or groups who can or cannot see your friends list.

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