How to Registration Gmail

Gmail Registration

The design of Gmail Sign Up is for everyone’s advantage. You might be interested to learn that whether you’re an individual, corporate entity, or institution, you’ll require at least one email address for a few of your instant electronic messages. And among yahoo, Microsoft, Rediffmail, and other organizations, Google has emerged as one of those that have developed such systems.

In order to help you with the Gmail Sign up procedure, has created this comprehensive step-by-step guide. It is crucial that you are able to complete the process alone without the assistance of a second person.

Before we move on to the detailed instructions, let’s quickly go through the benefits of having a Gmail account right now.


1 Free Google Gmail account creation!

2 Instant email (messages) sending and receiving.

3 enables label management

4 Select a theme to personalize your mailbox.

5 Use various Google accounts and/or Apps

6 Transmit and obtain attachments

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Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Select “CREATE ACCOUNT” from the menu. By doing this, a registration form will be shown for you to complete.

Step 3: Complete the registration form correctly with the necessary information;

  • Name  (chose a name you want people to see when you send them email (messages)
  • Username  (chose a preferred Username, like [email protected])
  • Enter password (Chose a strong password that will be hard for another person to guess but very simple for you to know and remember. And keep your password SECRET!
  • Enter your Birthday
  • Select your Gender
  • Enter your mobile Phone number(Be sure to enter a working phone number here since it will be needed for verification.)Put in your current (backup) email address (This is optional but it helps you recover your account in the case of some circumstances)
  • Enter your location

Step 4: Select “NEXT STEP” from the menu. A confirmation page will appear after this. Accept the terms and conditions of Google here.

NOTE: At this point, make sure your phone, which carries the number you entered, is within easy reach.

Step 5: Verify your account by entering the code you received via SMS or call, depending on how you preferred to get the code.

When you have correctly completed the steps, you will receive a congrats message. Continue and you will be logged into the Gmail interface where you will see your congrats message, welcoming you to the Gmail account platform.

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