Facebook Dating Tips

Facebook Dating 101: The Complete Beginners Guide

Facebook is one of the oldest social networking sites, yet it continues to be current by offering new features on a regular basis. No wonder, either. More than 2 billion users from all over the world log into Facebook each month, according to Statista.

Facebook unveiled a dating feature in January of this year to assist users in connecting with other singles and finding love. Many people immediately assumed that this feature would be tailored to Millennials or some other isolated age group within that generation in response to this announcement.

However, it turns out that anyone — regardless of age or location — can use Facebook’s dating feature. But so far, not everybody has gotten on board. Read on for a comprehensive list of advice and tricks for getting started with your new dating profile if you’re interested in signing up as well. The Dating feature is currently only accessible through an invite from a friend who has already signed up.

How to sign up for Facebook Dating

First things first, you must create a Facebook account if you want to test out Facebook Dating. You won’t need to create another account if you already have one because that will give you access to the Facebook Dating feature.

Visit Facebook.com and click Sign Up in the top right corner to create an account. You will be asked to select a username, type in your first and last names, and indicate your gender.

In addition, you must choose your current age from the drop-down menu. Remember that you can always change these fields later if you change your mind as you fill them out! Click Create Account when you are satisfied with your new account and have completed all the necessary fields.

When you’re done, you can go ahead and create a Facebook dating profile account. The following steps will show you how to create a Facebook dating account:

Create your Facebook Dating profile

It’s time to build a facebook dating profile now that your Facebook account has been set up. To do this, click see more after clicking the hamburger icon in the upper left corner. Search for the “Dates” category once you’ve reached the see more page.

There is a “Date” button there. You may now build your Facebook Dating profile by clicking on it. If you recall from earlier, Facebook Dating does not target a certain demographic.

You can therefore create your dating profile however you feel most comfortable doing so. Having said that, Facebook does provide some useful advice for constructing your profile.

You have the option to share your professional title, current position, place of employment, course of study, educational background, and hobbies in your profile. You can include your Instagram account in your profile if you have one.

Now, fill out the form completely, making sure to include your location, and then submit it.

The matching process will now be handled by Facebook for you.

Facebook Dating Tips & Tricks

Let’s talk about some tips and tricks to make your Facebook dating experience as easy as possible now that you know how to get started.

  • Choose your Privacy Settings carefully. Remember that even though you’re using a separate account from your main Facebook account, your friends may be able to see your Dating profile if they’re also using Dating. To ensure your profile is as private as possible, consider limiting the audience for your dating posts to “Only Me.”
  • Consider limiting the audience for your dating posts to “Only Me.” Even though your profile might be visible to potential matches, it might be useful to log in and post about your upcoming vacation to New York, for example. This will allow you to post about your vacation without worrying about your potential matches seeing it.
  • Consider making your Dating profile a secret. This will allow you to hide your Dating profile from all of your friends. This is useful if you’re worried about one of your friends seeing your online dating profile and thinking less of you.
  • Take care of your Health and Safety. You might not think of online dating as a dangerous activity, but it can be. Stay safe by avoiding overly-s3xual or suggestive photos, and don’t exchange private details like your address or phone number until you know someone well.

Facebook Dating Basics

Let’s talk about some of the fundamentals of Facebook Dating now that you’ve learned how to register for the service, how to create a profile, and some basic hints and tips.

  • The minimum age to use the Dating feature is 18. You must be at least 18 years old to sign up for Facebook Dating, and you must use your real name.
  • Your dating profile is viewable by anyone, unlike your Facebook profile. Not only friends on your friend list will be able to see your dating profile once you log in. You can rest assured knowing that neither your employer nor your parents or other acquaintances will see your profile.
  • You can go on as many or as few dates as you’d like. You don’t have to go on a date with every person who likes your profile. If you don’t feel comfortable going on a date with someone, you don’t have to.
  • You don’t have to use Facebook Dating. If you don’t feel comfortable using Facebook Dating, that’s okay! There are many other dating sites and apps available.

Communicating with Other Users

Let’s talk about how to communicate with other users now that you have a basic understanding of how to sign up for Facebook Dating and how your profile functions. Facebook Dating only allows communication through the Messenger app.

Click on the name of a potential match in your list of likes to send them a message. You’ll see two buttons, “Go on a Date” and “Message,” if they’ve liked you back. Click “Message” to start a conversation with them if they liked you back but you’re not in the mood to go on a date.

Remember that even though Facebook Dating is an online dating service, you can still discuss topics other than going on dates.

Finding Matches

Let’s speak about finding matches now that you understand how to establish a profile, view other profiles, and interact with other people. Facebook Dating is not targeted at a particular age range or demographic, as we’ve already stated. The website instead matches people according on their interests.

You must enter your interests in order to find matches. You can enter your interests by selecting “Interests” when creating your profile. Facebook Dating will then utilize these interests to pair you with potential partners after you’ve completed this.

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