Facebook comment block solution

How to unblock a Facebook comment

The number of friends you have on Facebook can reveal your activity, so it’s sometimes necessary to keep some comments on posts blocked or to block friends so they can’t comment. However, these actions can be undone by unblocking Facebook comments on posts, publications, so they can once again be seen by all of your Facebook friends.

  1. How is a Facebook comment unblocked?
  • With the PC
  • From the app
  1. How to unblock a person so they can comment again?
  2. What is the way to block certain comments on a Facebook post?
  3. How to unblock a Facebook comment at any time?
  4. Will blocking a person make them no longer able to comment on any post?

How is a Facebook comment unblocked?

If you have previously chosen to hide or block comments on any of your publications so that only you can see them, it is likely because you have had uneasy interactions with some of your Facebook friends. However, it is also possible that in the future you will choose to unblock the comments so that anyone can see them and continue to leave comments. This can be done both on your computer and in the Facebook application updates from your mobile device.

With the PC

In the event that you have hidden comments in any of your publications and you want to bring them to light, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Enter your social network and find the publication in which the comment you want to unblock is located.
  2. Look at the top of the comments area and press the “Most relevant” option.
  3. Then you can choose the comments that were hidden by the page.
  4. Locate the comment you want to unblock and click on the “Show” option.
  5. Finally, go to the menu with the three dots and select the option “Show comment”.

From the app

You must follow the steps listed below if you have previously blocked a remark on one of your publications and now want it to become visible to everyone again.

  1. Enter your Facebook and locate the publication where the comment you want to unblock is.
  2. You will see that the comment is hidden and only you will be able to see it.
  3. Then you must keep it pressed until the options “Show” and “Delete” appear.
  4. Click on “Show” and the comment will be unlocked.

How to unblock a person so they can comment again?

If you want to change a friend’s status but, on the other hand, you did not block comments on any publications but instead blocked the sharing option or went to directly block or restrict a friend from the social network so that he could not view or comment on publications, you should do the following:

  1. Open your Facebook and go to the settings area to select “Settings and privacy.”
  2. Select the option called “Shortcuts and privacy.”
  3. Choose to see more privacy options and in your activity you will see who will be able to see your publications.
  4. Person the box “Test” as to make a test publication and locate in the upper left the line that says “Friends”.
  5. There you will see the friends who can see the publications and the ones you have in the “Except …” list.
  6. You just have to remove the person you want to unblock from that list and they can continue to see your posts and comment on them.

What is the way to block certain comments on a Facebook post?

As has been noted, Facebook does not provide you the option to specifically deactivate or ban comments, but it does allow you to choose who sees your publications and to hide comments that have already been published but that you do not want the rest of your friends to see. If so, all you have to do to make the comment invisible so that only you and the person who posted it can see it is find it and keep pressing the comment to reveal the alternatives.

How to unblock a Facebook comment at any time?

Therefore, if you have restricted or blocked a particular comment on a publication, the limitation or blocking is not permanent like if you had deleted the comment since you can always go back and unblock the comment so that it may once again be visible in the publication. To achieve this, simply find the hidden remark, click it, choose “Show,” and the comment will be opened.

Will blocking a person make them no longer able to comment on any post?

If you limit the activity of any of your friends by adding them to the list of people who cannot view your publications, it is obvious that they will not be able to comment on any of them. However, if you have taken more drastic measures and blocked the person from Facebook, they will no longer be added to your list of friends automatically and will not be able to view or comment on your posts on the social network.

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